Saturday 12 January 2013

Punk. Porcupine. Punkupine.

This beautiful collar deserves a post all by itself. It was sent to me by the lovely and very talented Julia of who makes a huge range of stunning pieces. I loved ALL of them, but this is just the absolute cream of the crop as far as I'm concerned. Tough biker chic - black leather lined with stiff felt to keep a nice straight shape around your neck, pop fastening beads and a peppering of FIERCE spiked silver studs. Doesn't it just make you want to go to a festival RIGHT NOW?! I can't wait to show this stunner off with everything from chiffon to band tshirts, I'll be saucing up pretty floral dresses, tartan (think Sex Pistols) and even the last of the winter knits, be prepared to see this a lot! I think i'll be popping a cameo type brooch in the middle, it just seems so right for a Harley Davidson meets Baroque mashup, maybe a flocked jumper underneath... Completely inspired! Check back to see what I come up with...

Mad love to Julia for such an amazing collar, go visit her site and snap one up for yourself:

or @Juliahearts_u  on twitter! 

1 comment:

  1. This is soooo gawgus!!! Might have to invest is one me thinks x
